High Quality

Veterinary Services

for livestock on your farm

Cow Diamond Graphic  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Crawford Vet offers a range of essential services to optimize the productivity and efficiency for large animal and small ruminant farms

Dairy Cow Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

dairy herd health

Vet with Dairy Cow  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

A service designed for: Dairy herds

We provide service in the following areas for your herd:

  • Herd health management including identification of general herd health concerns and opportunities,

  • Customized plans for optimizing cattle health and production,

  • Disease prevention,

  • Vaccination programs,

  • Customized reproduction protocols and use of ultrasound to detect pregnant cows down to 23 days bred

  • Pregnancy checks and cycling cows using ultrasound, and

  • Assistance with ProAction requirements

Heart Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

calf health

Vet with Calf  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Take an item off your list, and let our technicians do the work for you.

A service designed for: Dairy herds

We provide service in the following areas for your calves:

  • Birth and wean weights,

  • Age appropriate vaccinations,

  • Dehorning,

  • Castration,

  • Magnet administration,

  • Pre-breeding weights,

  • Colostrum and total protein assessment, and 

  • Assessment and application of local dairy data on your farm’s calf health in a personalized biannual report for optimum success

Lab Testing - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

embryo transfer

Embryo Transfer - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

A service designed for: Dairy or beef herds

This is a safe and non-invasive procedure for your herd that is performed amongst many herds worldwide.  As Canadian Embryo Transfer Association members, we can ship embryos around the world.

We have two vets who have the specialized knowledge and techniques to provide a full service mobile lab with the following services:

  • Registering donors,

  • Conventional flushing, and 

  • Transferring embryos

In our office, we have the proper certification to:

  • Search and assess embryos,

  • Freeze embryos for delayed implantation,

  • Ship embryos,

  • Store embryos,

  • Offer the sale of commercial beef embryos to maximize conception in your herd and add value to bull calves born on your farm, and 

  • Maintain records of embryo transfers

Chemistry Tube - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties



A service designed for: All types of farmers

We provide complete in-house blood biochemistry profile services for sick or down animals with same-day results as well as:

  • Milk testing,

  • Fecal testing, and

  • Total protein and colostrum assessment

Farmer Icon n - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

specialty services

designed with farmers and their livestock in mind

Crawford Vet is here to provide solutions for your farm that don’t break the bank or waste your time.

Crawford Veterinary Services - White logo  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Crawford Veterinary Services is a mobile veterinary clinic offering high quality veterinary care and specialized services for farmers and their livestock in Perth, Huron, Waterloo and Wellington counties and beyond.