Built on Shared Success

Cow Graphic - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties
Diamond Graphic with Animals and Colours - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Dedicated to providing high quality veterinary care tailored to you and your livestock’s needs in Perth, Huron, Wellington, and Waterloo Counties and beyond.

Farmer Icon - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties
Helping Farmers in the office  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

farmers helping


As farmers ourselves, we have the foundational understanding of what a farming operation entails including the economics and everyday challenges.  

With our practical knowledge and passion paired with education and ongoing development, you can be assured our team has the expertise and skills at our fingertips to accurately assess the challenges, provide practical solutions and identify opportunities for growth and improvement at your operation.

At Crawford Vet we’re dedicated to improving productivity and efficiency in a cost effective manner.

innovative and
trusted approaches

Sheep Graphic  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties
Wheat Graphic  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties
Owner, Steve Crawford  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Personalized, client-centred services

Our relationship with our clients and their families is our top priority. Our small team means we can build strong personal relationships with each of our clients, gaining a fulsome understanding of the unique needs at your operation and tailoring our services accordingly.

Lab Testing  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties


Standard Services

From dairy and beef cattle to horses and small ruminants including sheep and goats, we are your go-to clinic for all of your vet needs.

We offer calf health and dairy herd programs, in addition to small ruminant pregnancy checks, an in-house laboratory and embryo transfers.

The goal of our services is fostering healthy, productive animals for a successful farm.


Dairy Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Dairy Herd

Calf Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties


Embryo Transfer Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Embryo Transfer

Sheep Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Small Ruminant
Pregnancy Checks

In House Lab Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties


Specialized services

Livestock flotation therapy

An effective and humane service designed to improve the health outcome of your down cow. Using the patented Aqua-Cow 1000 litre tank with warm water, we can float your down animal back onto its feet.

Our mobile rehabilitation float tank is the only service of its kind in Ontario - it’s cost effective, humane, and we can guarantee higher success rates compared to traditional methods.

Ontario Graphic  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Our mobile
rehabilitation float
tank is the only
service of its kind
in Ontario

higher success rates

compared to traditional methods

Small Ruminant Pregnancy Ultrasound  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Small ruminant reproductive detection

An efficient and low stress service designed to detect pregnancy in small ruminants including sheep and goats. Using our lightweight chute and gate system alongside a scanning crate and ultrasound technology, we can efficiently move your livestock in and out to detect pregnancy, allowing you to manage them accordingly.

Wheat Icon  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

your success is
our pride

Get a glimpse of why our client’s enjoy working with us at Crawford Vet.

success is valuable

when it’s shared

Crawford Veterinary Services Logo - White  - Crawford Veterinary Services - Atwood, Ontario - Vet Clinic - Large Animal - Service Perth, Huron, Wellington and Waterloo Counties

Crawford Veterinary Services is a mobile veterinary clinic offering high quality veterinary care and specialized services for farmers and their livestock in Perth, Huron, Waterloo and Wellington counties and beyond.